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You are a leader; you are being watched

Posted on July 03, 2015

I recently came across a very respected and well-liked leader. I was curious to know why. I quickly realized - by means of snapshots of conversations and reflecting on specific situations - that he was continuously being watched, and he knew it…

You are a leader; you are being watched
1. I am watching you
Employee: “We recently had a town hall, and I observed our CEO deliver his speech.  He was incredible… very inspiring. People work for great leaders, not companies!”
As a leader, you can have a profound influence on your organization. Employees look to you for guidance.
2. We are watching you
Team: “Despite the pressure he is constantly under, we never witnessed him losing his temper”.
As a leader, your behavior is the primary example according to which your team acts. Modeling is an essential piece of effective leadership.
3. They are watching you
Executive Assistant: “Stakeholders, clients, partners, board members, etc… they all watch every single move our CEO makes.”
As a leader, your behavior is always under examination. How high is your self-awareness?
4. Who is watching you?
Lobby receptionist: “Yesterday, I saw our CEO picking up a candy wrap from the lobby floor and putting it in the trash. I was amazed…”
As a leader, your conduct should reinforce positive influence. Are you always the ultimate role model for your company?
5. Is anyone not watching you?
NoAs a leader, everyone watches what you do, what you say, how you dress, your manners, habits and conducts. It is not necessarily a bad thing. You need to clearly grasp the degree to which your behaviors are constantly being observed by others, and ask yourself the following question: what behaviors do I want modeled, reinforced and maintained in my company?